# Welcome to Kubernetes! Welcome to the New Contributor course for Kubernetes! --- # Section 1: Starting Out Each unit of this course consists of a slideshow and links to resources. Take your time reading the materials, and feel free to reach out to the community with questions. We look forward to your contributions! --- # What you are about to learn This first unit is all about starting out in the Kubernetes community. By the end of this unit, you will: * Understand the organization of the K8s community, special interest groups, committees, and working groups. * Communicate effectively with the community. * Understand and be able to work with the K8s code of conduct and community values. --- # Who exactly is a contributor? Kubernetes contributors bring a wide range of talents, skills, services, and ideas to the community. They: * Write documentation * Write and review code * Participate in the community * Participate in special interest groups * AND MORE! Everybody's contributions are welcome in the Kubernetes community! --- # What are the core values of the Kubernetes community? The Kubernetes community adheres to the following principles: * Distribution is better than centralization * Community over product or company * Automation over process * Inclusive is better than exclusive * Evolution is better than stagnation [Read more about our community values.](/community/values/) --- # What behavior is expected of contributors? The Kubernetes community strives to be safe, respectful and inclusive. We expect all contributors to: * Abide by the [CNCF Code of Conduct](/community/code-of-conduct/) * Help foster an open and welcoming community * Respect their fellow contributors. [Learn more about the Kubernetes community values.](/community/values/) --- # What is the CNCF Code of Conduct? _"The Kubernetes Code of Conduct is in effect, so please be excellent to each other." — Jorge Castro, 2020 SIG ContribEx co-chair_ The Code of Conduct serves as a set of rules used by the Kubernetes community to uphold our core values and establish a safe, respectful and inclusive environment. * Our code of conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. --- # Who oversees and enforces the Code of Conduct? The Code of Conduct Committee oversees and handles all incidents and responses regarding code of conduct issues and violations. * [Read about the committee's reporting and response process.](/community/code-of-conduct-incident-process/) --- # How is the Kubernetes community organized? Most community activity is organized into three areas: * Special Interest Groups (SIGs), * Working Groups * Committees --- # What are Special Interest Groups? We are organized primarily into Special Interest Groups, or SIGs. Each SIG is composed of members from multiple companies and organizations. In addition, each SIG: * Works to advance the project with respect to a specific topic, such as Networking or Documentation. * Has a charter that specifies its scope, responsibilities, and governance. --- # What is a working group? A working group facilitates topics of discussion that cross SIG lines. They are a vehicle for consensus building. A working group: 1. Provides a formal avenue for collaboration around a common problem, 2. Crafts a balanced position, 3. And then disbands! --- # What is a committee? Some topics, such as Security or Code of Conduct, require discretion. Committees do not have open membership and do not always operate in the open. * The steering committee forms committees as needed. * All committee members must be community members. * Like a SIG, a committee has a charter and a chair. --- # Where can I learn more? The [Kubernetes Community Resources page](/community/) has links to documents that describe our community structure and governance. * [The Community Groups page](/community/community-groups/) lists all current SIGs, working groups, and committees. * [The governance document](https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/governance.md) drills down into more of the specifics. <div class="bottom-nav"> <a href="/docs/onboarding">Onboarding Index</a> | <a href="../02-getting-into-github">Next Section</a> </div>